Notre Dame Undergrad Further Explores REDI-NET Processes in Belize

Author: Marla Magaña Cansino

Notre Dame undergraduate student Brooke Rodriguez joined Dr. Benedicte Fustec and the team at the Belize Vector & Ecology Center (BVEC) to train in key areas related to REDI-NET sample collection, processing, and testing. The main objectives of Brooke’s trip were to:

  1. Carry out REDI-NET field sampling SOPs for feces and ticks in a routine sampling site in Belize to beta-test the procedures

  2. Conduct Biomeme testing for water samples collected in Belize for the detection of pathogens and compare the results with outputs from the REDI-NET Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Analysis Platform

Upon returning to the US, Brooke will use the data from the samples she collected to complete her Glynn Family Honors Program Thesis, inform the REDI-NET program, and present her findings at the 2024 University of Notre Dame College of Science–Joint Annual Meeting (COS-JAM) in May.