Uziel Romero

Uziel Romero

Belize Vector and Ecology Center (BVEC) Research Assistant

The year started off right in 2003 in the Romero household as the second child, Uziel Romero, entered this beautiful world. He graduated in honours from La Inmaculada R.C. School, full of determination and eager to follow the path of a business career at Muffles College High School. This didn't age well two years later as he was caught deciding between two important fields and he chose to explore and understand. After two years of learning the wonders the three sciences had to offer, he was fortunate to represent his school in the National Science Fair held in Belize City and participate in a blood drive held at the Northern Regional Hospital. 

After four years of continuous hard work, helping his community with works of service and works of mercy, he earned his high school certificate. His drive to learn more, continued his studies at Corozal Junior College where he earned his Associate Degree in both Biology and Chemistry. The will to work hard landed him a meaningful time working as a Warehouse Attendant at the People’s Store. After receiving an opportunity to work in the field which created curiosity and  adventures, he now looks forward to learning more and working toward completing milestones with the BVEC family. Uziel hopes to become an educator/researcher to the highest degree but his determination and drive to learn more about the outdoors and this mind blowing world will always be present.